Work will not be commenced until full cleared payment has been received (preferably via direct bank transfer - PayPal is also accepted with an additional banking fee).
All prices are subject to change without prior notice. Payments from outside the UK or in currencies other than pounds sterling will incur additional charges.
CV Shed Ltd accepts in good faith information which purchasers of its services provide, and is not in any way responsible for the accuracy of such information. It is the responsibility of purchasers to ensure the accuracy and veracity of information provided and the information which is subsequently written into any document provided by CV Shed Ltd.
All documents are supplied in Microsoft Word format and emailed to the address provided.
LinkedIn profiles will not be uploaded online but issued as a document for the client to copy into their profile.
First drafts will be issued within 3 days of consultation, depending on the service ordered (assuming that all necessary information has been provided by the client, not including weekends and public holidays).
Phone consultations will last maximum of 45 minutes. This time can be used entirely before first drafts are produced, or split between an initial consultation and a later consultation to discuss the draft. Discussions exceeding 45 minutes will incur additional payments of £100 per hour, payable in 15-minute increments. The CV Evaluation and DIY CV Toolkit do not include phone consultations.
If no change requests are received within 3 weeks of drafts being issued, CV Shed Ltd will assume approval of the document and close the order. There may be an additional administration charge to reopen the order.
CV Shed Ltd cannot guarantee customers will receive interviews or job offers, as this is influenced by external factors including the quality of the other candidates and the suitability of the role.
Use of documents completed by CV Shed Ltd constitutes acceptance of, and agreement with, the contents and layout. Your document will be amended free of charge until you are happy with the contents and layout.
Additional costs will be incurred if the client requests changes outside the scope of the original order - for example, tailoring the CV to a specific job advert after the first draft has been produced. In this case, clients will be charged the update fee.
No further advice, support or consultation is provided when using the DIY CV Toolkit or CV Evaluation service, once the product has been sent.
CV Shed Ltd takes your privacy very seriously.
CV Shed Ltd requires you to provide only the personal data necessary to complete your order. When you provide personal data to CV Shed Ltd, you are consenting to the company holding and handling that data for the purpose of providing advice and producing the documents ordered.
The information that you provide yourself in documents you send, or during our email or telephone correspondence, is used solely for the purposes of providing advice to you or producing the documents ordered. Your data will never be sold or divulged to other organisations or third parties or used for any other purpose.
Personal data contained in your final documents will be held indefinitely, enabling you to order updates at any stage in your career. You may request a copy of your final documents, free of charge, at any time.
Your final documents will be stored on a secure system and you may request deletion at any time. Deletion requests will be actioned within a maximum of 2 weeks.
CV Shed Ltd recognises the importance of discretion, and understands that you may not want your current employer or other individuals to know that you are updating your CV or looking for a new job. I strive to be discreet in all my interactions with clients – please let me know how you would prefer to be contacted and I will comply with all reasonable requests.
CV Shed Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office.
In line with other CV writing companies, CV Shed Ltd takes payment at the point of ordering. This helps to keep costs low, as time is not spent chasing overdue payments. As part of the service, I will amend your draft until you are satisfied and therefore there should be no need for a refund.
Once an order has been placed and the fee paid, there is no right of refund.
Customer service and satisfaction is a priority for CV Shed Ltd. If you are disappointed with the documents you receive, please detail your concerns in an email and I will strive to rectify all complaints.
If a client wishes to cancel their order before the first draft is received, a refund will be given but with a deduction for administration and work already carried out.